

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Sunday, November 18, 2018

All Things Nuclear (Sep 27, 2018): Nuclear Reactor Fuel Safety: The Waiting Gain

All Things Nuclear (Sep 27, 2018): Nuclear Reactor Fuel Safety: The Waiting Gain

  • Báo Trẻ (Nov 17, 2018): Nhà máy nguyên tử San Onofre ["...Một bản tin của hệ thống truyền hình Russia Today cho biết: Hàng trăm tấn chất thải của nhà máy năng lượng nguyên tử San Onofret tại California được chôn ở nơi thiếu an toàn, tiềm ẩn nguy cơ nguy hiểm."]

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Friday, October 05, 2018

ARS Technica (Oct 04, 2018): Company that sucks CO2 from air announces a new methane-producing plant

ARS Technica (Oct 04, 2018): Company that sucks CO2 from air announces a new methane-producing plant

  • "The plant consists of three air collectors that are more energy-efficient than Climeworks' first ambient air collector. "The plant will filter up to 150 tons of CO2 from ambient air per year," Climeworks said in a press statement. "Simultaneously, an alkaline electrolyser (1.2 MW) locally generates 240 cubic meters of renewable hydrogen per hour by making use of excess on-site photovoltaic energy." A catalyst then combines the CO2 and the hydrogen into methane gas in a reactor built by a French company called Atmostat. The methane "is then liquified and used to fuel natural gas lorries," Climeworks says."

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Asia Sentinel (Oct 1, 2018): China Dams the World

Asia Sentinel (Oct 1, 2018): China Dams the World

  • " With virtually all of China’s rivers dammed numerous times and little work left to do in China itself, these companies seem to have a mandate to spread out across the world and dam every wild river that remains. It’s disturbing to think that the corporate executives of Chinese hydroelectric companies—with the likely backing of Beijing—pore over maps of the great rivers of the world, and then set in motion plans to contact governments, grease palms if necessary, and then set about destroying the planet’s wild rivers—and always in the name of “progress” and “development,” as if a dam alone ever lifted a country out of poverty. "

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 (Sept 12, 2018): Volkswagen plan to use 3D metal printing for mass production (Sept 12, 2018): Volkswagen plan to use 3D metal printing for mass production

  • [Hewlett Packard (HP) said its new metal printing service won't be limited to car parts. " The implications are huge — the auto, industrial, and medical sectors alone produce billions of metal parts each year," HP CEO Dion Weisler said in a statement.]

Monday, September 03, 2018

The Economic Times (March 5, 2018): View: China's big data advantage isn't enough

The Economic Times (March 5, 2018): View: China's big data advantage isn't enough
  • " Data is the lifeblood of the digital world. But learning how to use it requires human talent, insight and creativity. In that race, China's tech giants still have a ways to go."
  • MIT Technology Review  (August 22, 2018): China’s use of big data might actually make it less Big Brother-ish ["Yet as social interactions have evolved in China, so have Chinese values. The rise of big-data technology in China has contributed to a far more acute awareness of privacy than other—momentous—socioeconomic developments such as GDP growth, globalization, and urbanization."]

Friday, August 31, 2018

Trẻ (Aug 20, 2018): Thế trận từ không gian

Trẻ (Aug 20, 2018): Thế trận từ không gian

  • [Năm ngoái, Diệp Bồi Kiến (Ye Peijian), nhân vật số một của chương trình thám hiểm mặt trăng của Trung Quốc, đã ngang nhiên đưa ra một so sánh khi trả lời phỏng vấn tại một cuộc họp thường niên của Ðảng Cộng Sản Trung Quốc cho thấy dã tâm của họ: “Vũ trụ giống như là biển vậy, mặt trăng là đảo Ðiếu Ngư, hoả tinh là đảo Hoàng Nham. Nếu chúng ta không chịu tới đó mặc dù có dư khả năng để làm việc này, thì chính chúng ta sẽ bị thế hệ hậu bối trách cứ. Nếu những nước khác tới đó trước rồi họ chiếm cứ, và ta sẽ không thể nào tới đó sau dù có muốn hay không. Ðiều này đã nói lên đủ lý do rồi.”]

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

No Technology Magazine (July 25, 2018): Fermentation and Daily Life

No Technology Magazine (July 25, 2018): Fermentation and Daily Life

Visual Capitalist (July 31, 2018): Debunking 8 Myths About AI in the Workplace

Visual Capitalist (July 31, 2018): Debunking 8 Myths About AI in the Workplace

  • "...5. Robots and AI are the same thing [Truth: Even though there is a tendency to link AI and robots, most AI actually works in the background and is unseen (think Amazon product recommendations). Robots, meanwhile, can be “dumb” and just automate simple physical processes."]

  • The Atlantic (October 20, 2018 issue): Why Technology Favors Tyranny ["We should instead fear AI because it will probably always obey its human masters, and never rebel."] ["The race to accumulate data is already on, and is currently headed by giants such as Google and Facebook and, in China, Baidu and Tencent. So far, many of these companies have acted as “attention merchants”—they capture our attention by providing us with free information, services, and entertainment, and then they resell our attention to advertisers. Yet their true business isn’t merely selling ads. Rather, by capturing our attention they manage to accumulate immense amounts of data about us, which are worth more than any advertising revenue. We aren’t their customers—we are their product."]

  • Datamation (May 30, 2018): Big Data vs. Artificial Intelligence ["With Big Data to feed these processors, machine learning algorithms can learn how to reproduce a certain behavior, including collecting the data to in turn speed up the machine. AI doesn’t deduce conclusions like humans do. It learns through trial and error, and that requires massive amounts of data to teach the AI."]

  • NPR (Feb 9, 2018): Computational Propaganda: Bots, Targeting And The Future ["(But) the digital world we so recently built has changed all that. The December issue of the journal Big Data was dedicated to the problem of computational propaganda. In it, researchers Gillian Bolsover and Philip Howard, of the Oxford Internet Institute, define the dangers that need to be addressed: "Computational propaganda has recently exploded into public consciousness. The U.S. presidential campaign of 2016 was marred by evidence, which continues to emerge, of targeted political propaganda and the use of bots to distribute political messages on social media."]

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Verge (July 18, 2018): Apple’s iCloud partner in China will store user data on servers of state-run telecom

The Verge (July 18, 2018): Apple’s iCloud partner in China will store user data on servers of state-run telecom

  • "...Though the iCloud data is end-to-end encrypted, the encryption keys are also stored in China, raising the possibility the Chinese government could gain access to it. Yet Apple has said in the past that only its employees have access to the keys, and the company has proven, with its [clash] with the FBI and other agencies, that it will fight to keep encrypted data protected."

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

All Things Nuclear (July 5, 2018): Three Mile Island Intruder

All Things Nuclear (July 5, 2018): Three Mile Island Intruder

  • "...At 10:57 am, the security team found the intruder hiding in a dark area adjacent to a main condenser waterbox. The Pennsylvania State Police took custody of the intruder."

Sunday, June 10, 2018

MIT News (June 8, 2018): New system recovers fresh water from power plants

MIT News (June 8, 2018): New system recovers fresh water from power plants

  • "The principle behind the new concept is deceptively simple: When air that’s rich in fog is zapped with a beam of electrically charged particles, known as ions, water droplets become electrically charged and thus can be drawn toward a mesh of wires, similar to a window screen, placed in their path. The droplets then collect on that mesh, drain down into a collecting pan, and can be reused in the power plant or sent to a city’s water supply system."

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Luật Khoa (June 5, 2018): 5 đối thoại về Dự luật Đặc khu

Luật Khoa (June 5, 2018): 5 đối thoại về Dự luật Đặc khu

  • "Đây cũng lại một nhận định có phần bất cần đời, đặc biệt là cách họ xem xét việc di dời khu dân cư dễ như chuyện trở bàn tay. 50, 70 và 99 năm, ít nhất cũng là hai thế hệ kế tiếp, nhiều nhất là năm thế hệ kế tiếp nhau. Đất họ sinh sống không còn giá trị là đất thuê nữa, mà là đất cha ông họ để lại."

Saturday, June 02, 2018

Luật Khoa (June 1, 2018): Tô giới 99 năm và chủ nghĩa đế quốc chủ nợ Trung Hoa

Luật Khoa (June 1, 2018): Tô giới 99 năm và chủ nghĩa đế quốc chủ nợ Trung Hoa

"...Tháng 12 năm ngoái (2017), Sri Lanka chính thức bàn giao cảng Hambantota cho chính quyền Trung Quốc. Hambantota, nằm tại đường biển phía Nam Sri Lanka, là cảng biển có vị thế địa chính trị đặc biệt quan trọng, cho phép Trung Quốc tiếp cận nhiều cung đường biển giao thoa ở Ấn Độ Dương."

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Ars Technica (April 27, 2018): Bosch might just have solved the problem of diesel NOx emissions

Ars Technica (April 27, 2018): Bosch might just have solved the problem of diesel NOx emissions

  • "...Out on the open road, a different engine management map would be in charge, resulting in high levels of nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollutants coming out in the exhaust."

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Quartz (April 24, 2018): Two kids are sailing a toy boat around the world, and they’re tracking its journey online

Quartz (April 24, 2018): Two kids are sailing a toy boat around the world, and they’re tracking its journey online

  • "The boys, who were just 8 and 5 years old at the time, launched a Playmobil toy pirate ship from the Scottish town of Peterhead, bearing a message that asked anyone who found the boat to send it back onto the high seas. Equipped with a tracking device and a counterweight that helps the boat stay right-side up, it traveled to Denmark and Sweden, aided on its journey by kind strangers who found it and returned it to sea."
  • "The boat then caught a ride on a Norwegian ship to the southern Atlantic Ocean, where it continues sailing today. Almost one year later, as of this writing, HMS Adventure is sailing off the coast of Venezuela (you can track it here)."

Sunday, April 22, 2018

USA Today (April 20, 2018): 105 to 0: Why Syria's air defenses failed to intercept a single incoming missile

USA Today (April 20, 2018): 105 to 0: Why Syria's air defenses failed to intercept a single incoming missile

  • "The Syrians fired 40 interceptor missiles, but most of them didn’t even get off the ground until allied missiles had already hit their targets, Pentagon officials said. The interceptor missiles appeared to lack guidance systems."

Saturday, April 07, 2018

The Washington Post (April 6, 2018): Can democracy survive information overload?

The Washington Post (April 6, 2018): Can democracy survive information overload?

  • "Usually, democracy withers when there is too little information, strangled by autocratic control or dictatorial censorship. Trump — that perpetual motion machine of news — is proving, day after crazy day, that democracy can also be suffocated by too much."
  • Work It Daily (August 8, 2015): Why I Love Twitter (And Why You Should, Too)
     "In the end, Twitter has really opened my eyes to the world. I’ve learned so much since becoming a consistent user. It’s a great resource, and I don’t plan on ditching it anytime soon!"

Friday, March 09, 2018

EurekAlert! (March 8,2018): On Twitter, false information travels farther and faster than the truth

EurekAlert! (March 8,2018):  On Twitter, false information travels farther and faster than the truth

1/ Bạn nghĩ sao độc giả - không phải tất cả là những con cừu - nói gì về tin nấy? Trong số độc giả có những vị kiến thức uyên bác có thể đánh giá nguồn tin "một cách nghiêm túc" nhưng không phổ biến cho ai; cũng có vị đang nắm giử nhiều nguồn tin, từ thật đến sai, nguỵ tạo; ta chỉ chờ những vị này đánh giá và phân phối "minh bạch".
2/ Thiển nghĩ có nhiều vị từ vị thế độc giả vì những động cơ khác nhau muốn tình nguyện làm người phân phối thông tin "trung thực". Xin chúc những vị ấy may mắn.
3/ Những độc giả tinh ý còn thấy có nhũng phát tán thông tin "có vẻ là sai, giả" nhưng nhìn lại nguồn ấy xem ra là ai thi đây là một cách châm biếm (trong một ngữ cảnh) (tuy nhiên độc giả sẽ theo dõi coi nguồn này có dụng ý lâu dài như thế nào.)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Business Insider (Nov 22, 2016): Elon Musk's plan to blanket Earth in high-speed internet may face a big threat: China

Business Insider (Nov 22, 2016): Elon Musk's plan to blanket Earth in high-speed internet may face a big threat: China

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

IEEE Spectrum (Jan 17, 2018): Why Russia is Building Its Own Internet

IEEE Spectrum (Jan 17, 2018): Why Russia is Building Its Own Internet

"...In the meantime, Russia is strong-arming the Internet in other ways. It’s moving forward with a plan that forces foreign companies, such as LinkedIn, to store data about its citizens on Russian servers. How that will ripple through U.S. companies remains to be seen."

Read more: Visual Capitalist (July 8, 2017): The Dark Side of the Internet - Slate (Sept 11, 2017): Why Science-Fiction Writers Couldn’t Imagine the Internet

VTV8 (Jan 10, 2018): Cháy lớn thiêu rụi hàng nghìn tấm pin năng lượng mặt trời ở Cam Ranh

VTV8 (Jan 10, 2018):  Cháy lớn thiêu rụi hàng nghìn tấm pin năng lượng mặt trời ở Cam Ranh (toàn bộ công suất thiết kế là 10 MW) (Jan 16, 2018): Things That Go Bump in the Copyright [feed] (Jan 16, 2018): Things That Go Bump in the Copyright

Friday, January 12, 2018

BizLive (1/11/2018): GS. Trần Văn Thọ: “Cái đơn giản không làm, Việt Nam cứ nghĩ tới Cách mạng 4.0 cao xa”

BizLive [feed] (1/11/2018): GS. Trần Văn Thọ: “Cái đơn giản không làm, Việt Nam cứ nghĩ tới Cách mạng 4.0 cao xa”

"...Liệu Việt Nam có thể tránh bẫy thu nhập trung bình? Làm thế nào để các ngành kinh tế của Việt Nam nâng cao tính cạnh tranh thông qua nâng cao năng suất."

Wikipedia: Bẫy thu nhập trung bình

Design News (Feb 9, 2018): Software Helps Answer the Question: Is Industry 4.0 Right for You?   |...Hassold said this step sometimes surprises manufacturers. “Among manufacturers, there’s often a misconception,” he said. “They think Industry 4.0 equals automation. But that’s not necessarily the case. Industry 4.0 is really about enhancing the life of workers, not replacing them.” |

Monday, January 08, 2018

Engadget (Jan 8, 2018): A portrait of Earth and the Moon from 3 million miles away

Engadget (Jan 8, 2018): A portrait of Earth and the Moon from 3 million miles away

["...It is also an asteroid that could someday make a close pass or even a collision with Earth, though not for several centuries," NASA notes. Since it's around 492 meters (1,614 feet) across-- not big enough to destroy the Earth, but big enough to cause a lot of damage -- future civilizations might decide to send a rocket to either blow it up or deflect it.]